Continued from previous post, pictured below is the WTP.

Garlic chives aplenty.

These are mung bean plants. They were supposed to just be a green manure for where the bokchoi had grown, but it seemed to have flowered and started growing pods during the time I was away. I've thinned this out a bit and will let the beans grow. Might be fun to have some fresh mung beans, or some home-dried ones for green bean soup.

Below this green bean mess are more garlic chives. Mum couldn't stand the sight of this and moved it to the side.

These are mung bean plants. They were supposed to just be a green manure for where the bokchoi had grown, but it seemed to have flowered and started growing pods during the time I was away. I've thinned this out a bit and will let the beans grow. Might be fun to have some fresh mung beans, or some home-dried ones for green bean soup.

Below this green bean mess are more garlic chives. Mum couldn't stand the sight of this and moved it to the side.

The second papaya tree is growing very well! I ate some more fresh ripe papaya and I'm not disgusted by the weird taste anymore.