
Showing posts from June, 2020

fertile farm of worms

The worms have happily eaten through most of the rotten honey melon I chopped and put in the farm last week and look mu…

fermented weedbrew

Why dispose unwanted weeds in the bin when you can extract its nutrients and use the brew as fertiliser? The technique …

soil testing

Soil samples, from acidic to alkaline: kale patch: pH 5  front orange: pH 6 -- garlic chive patch, back: pH 6.5 blueberry po…

green harvest!

Fresh rocket simply tastes better.

identifying seeds (part 2)

the flower seeds, after two weeks:  before, for comparison:  I've numbered each seed so that as they grow, I can grad…

Q&A June-20

What's the difference between rocket and wild rocket?  - Both types of rocket are in the Brassicaceae family. Rocket…

i think i found a miracle berry plant in the vicinity

I came across these curiously ellipsoidal berries from a street tree whose ripe-looking ones were a deep bright red, wh…

gifts from a neighbour

I've had my eye on a plot of land in the area which, besides a lot of cars waiting to be sold, hosts an abundant ve…


It's a rainy afternoon and a woman drives up towards the house with a large white bucket. It's filled with food…

wildish edibles

I'm amazed that not only are there so many types of plants -- besides the standard supermarket fruits and veg -- th…

native plant options from BCC

update (16/6) : It turns out that there's seasonal availabilities on the native plants selection. None of these were…

plumbing skills (+1 point)

Finally fixed up the water tank outlet. It doesn't drip anymore, thanks to a lot of plumbing tape, and I've add…

goodbye basil

I had bought a basil mix from Bunnings a few weeks ago, one that contained green and purple Thai basil as well as the &…

identifying seeds

This wildflower mix (originating from unnamed sources) didn't germinate so well when I first came back, probably be…

grass, hay or straw?

Freshly mown grass is nitrogen-rich and shouldn't be spread as a mulch over plants, since it will suck up the nutri…

the gates come down

This might be against the pool safety regulations, but opening and closing two sets of fences to get from the front to …

garlic chives, the masker of scents?

All the garlic chives that were transplanted from the back to the front patch have now been split into separate rhizome…

exotic seeds

Watching, leaf by leaf, as the broccoli seedlings to grow has its exciting moments, though it does take a lot of patien…

humble beginnings

Today marks the birth of my online field notes, though the permaculture journey of my backyard dates back in mid-March.…

composting in a wheelie bin

When the first compost bin was filling faster that I thought, I realised that a two-bin system would be much more effic…

growing forward - plot 2

I've discovered a group of urban gardeners and activists who are building a series of community gardens in the West…

seed swaps

With a bit of searching, you can find a lot of online groups and communities for swapping and gifting seeds. From the s…

free kitchen compost caddy

The Brisbane City Council is giving out kitchen caddies to encourage people get their food scraps to composting hubs in…

worms worms worms

The household composting ecosystem has levelled up with it's addition of a handful of (presumably) red wiggler worm…