fermented weedbrew

Why dispose unwanted weeds in the bin when you can extract its nutrients and use the brew as fertiliser? The technique to make this is quite simple: you just submerge the weeds in water for a few days to a week (or more I suppose, depending on the temperature) and let it decompose. It might also be undergoing a process of fermentation; according to some sources, you can add some sauerkraut to kickstart the mix with microbial activity. It might also pick up some fermenting microbes naturally too - to be confirmed. 

Well I've submerged a bucket of weeds in water today - death by drowning. I'll check back on it to see how things progress.

This method is also used for comfrey tea; different types of weeds/plants have different levels and kinds of nutrients that can be extracted. Comfrey is generally the multipurpose go-to plant, stinging nettle and dandelions are used often too. The ones in my bucket right now are probably not so nutritious, but they're going to good use anyway. 


After a few days, some bubbles started to appear! I suppose the fermentation occurs spontaneously like the way ginger bugs work. It has an umami-ish smell, too, that's a bit like seaweed.