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Edgeware E d i b l e s
field notes on retrofitting the grounds of a suburban McMansion into a productive edible garden
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Showing posts from October, 2020
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October 27, 2020
ghost of the harlequin bugs
The insect that makes the fig tree ghost white each year might be harlequin bugs, a kind of stink bug. The fig had a fl…
October 26, 2020
irrigation (part 2) water trickling system connected to hose
The idea: a 13mm pipe connected to a hose (which then connects to either the mains or water tank tap) runs the length o…
October 26, 2020
irrigation (part 1) gravity-fed olla pots
The idea: a series of olla pots connected via 4mm flex tubes to an "interim" water storage container. This sy…
October 26, 2020
scat attack
Who's the culprit that came by the driveway to take a dump? It was only noticed in the morning, so they came, presu…
October 25, 2020
collateral damage: rhubarb
October 25, 2020
bird friends
A pair of spotted turtle doves have become regular visitors to the backyard. They usually perch on the back fence, but …
October 25, 2020
All hail, thunder and rain
The afternoon was a cross between first snow and a mass shooting. It was pretty magical. The thunderous clinking of the…
October 23, 2020
I think it's a mouse
Sneaky little bugger.
October 21, 2020
Forget not the comfrey lookalike
The mystery plant from this post is indeed NOT comfrey, nor any of the other hypothesised plants. It is, in fact,
October 20, 2020
cover crop for the nematodes
Got some black and yellow mustard seeds for the root-rot nematode-infested BSF patch. I broadcasted these seeds as wel…
October 20, 2020
where are you really from?
Centres of origin of major food crops. (Note: there are more than 30,000 species of edible plants. See Bruce French'…
October 15, 2020
quail eggs!
A fellow Northey St composter shared her quails' eggs with us! How wonderful to have pet quails.
October 14, 2020
grape leaves and dolmades
The grape vine was growing out of control and need a prune... and what do you do with all these fresh grape leaves? Di…
October 11, 2020
growing tips from the xu's
October 10, 2020
Hardy perennial greens
Brazilian Spinach Surinam Spinach Cranberry Hibiscus Hibiscus Spinach Cassava Sweet Potato leaves Pumpkin vine leaves Sorrell …
October 10, 2020
morning of mourning for the young Simba beans
I found nothing but itty-bitty stems this morning. Today is a sad day. Grown from seeds given by a friend, the Simba be…
October 10, 2020
seed saver - rockets, daikon, cherry tomatoes
Wild rocket (the one with yellow flowers) has thin pods and very small seeds, while garden rocket (beige flowers with b…
October 07, 2020
chicory, chicon, endive
I was harvesting "chicory" leaves for the food co-op, but what I had was red-veined dandelion-looking leaves …
October 07, 2020
the city of three summers
Seasonal Vegetable Growing in the Humid Subtropics (Brisbane)
October 06, 2020
peckish birds
Amaranth tips on the Pool Side Strip were mysteriously - and skilfully - cut off a few weeks back.
October 06, 2020
spotted: a blue-banded bee
A new native bee was buzzing around at the chives this morning, and it's a pretty one too: the blue-banded bee (
October 04, 2020
another flower identified
This is a cornflower. It was number 3 from the mystery flower mix .
October 04, 2020
beef, steak, and nematodes
Many little caterpillars were nesting and having a merry time inside the beefsteak tomatoes (some caterpillars found a …
October 03, 2020
cosmic carrots and purple dragon beans
This bunch of carrots seemed to have sat in the soil for ages. They were under the broad broccoli leaves, so perhaps no…
October 02, 2020
fertilising routine
Note to self.
October 01, 2020
diabetes plant
I have planted two
Gynura procumbens
in the garden, courtesy of a Northey St friend. Info found about this plant: Diab…
October 01, 2020
the rainwater tank is empty
The time has come to do the rain dance.
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