growing tips from the xu's
- bean trellis in a tall X shape, rather than a tipi
- 5-6 beans per trellis pole!
- 5-6 beans per trellis pole!
- sandy soils and fertiliser (without mulch) doesn't seem to dry out, even with 1 water/per day
- huzi - climber that needs lots of space. Over a fence is good
- donggua is NOT a winter crop. Grows well over large surface
- xiaobaicai as a mini-veg that's broadcasted in a pot (cramped is ok), rotational harvest in a few pots
- roosterbooster + soluble nitrogen (urea) + phosphate regime.
- hancai going to flower quickly because it's old, planted too early, not enough nutrients
- germinating directly in a small patch of soil (rather than in punnets or in greenhouse); transplant to longterm spot once big enough
- bricks or plank bridges spanning across the beds, to not step on soil
- cool asian garden tools can be bought in Inala