
Showing posts from August, 2020

**spring/summer 2020

New plans for the upcoming spring and summer months.

off with your broccoli-head

Lightly blanched broccoli is yum.

the importance of pinching out

Pinching out the main stem of a plant activates and encourages the growth of its auxiliary buds, resulting in a bushie…

seed saving - nasturtiums

Pretty pretty. Three seeds to a flower; green = still growing; brown with brain wrinkles = just about ready; brown and …

seed germination (and experimental greenhouse systems)

Germination isn't necessarily difficult, but it takes a fair amount of precision in creating just the right conditi…

***update - 30 August

A few snapshots of what's in the garden this week.

native bees like daikon flowers

Native [stingless] bees, many of which to a novice looks like an ant-fly holding pollen, have been hovering around the …

radish harvest

Seeds were sowed on 11 July, harvested 50 days later (could have been harvested earlier - of the 17 radishes, a couple …

wanted (sept '20)

wanted now:

re-cultivating a scoby

Starting date: 25 August. Black tea with cane sugar, cooled, mixed with the leftovers of two store-bought Buchi kombuch…

self-wicking pots

Made with food-grade tubs, water bottle, empty yoghurt tubs, and a hessian bag.

propagation via hibiscus cutting

My hibiscus cutting rooted successfully - a nice swirl had even started at the base of the pot. How do I know this? Wel…

midyim copper tops

New addition to the edible collection: Midyim berries, a native bush food that has white-grey berries. No idea what the…

chinese apple seeds

Some seeds of the most delicious types of (fushi/fuji) apples* have miraculously germinated. We ate the apples and Moth…

worm tower - trial no. 1 pt. 2

Worm Tower 1 is installed, shown below. Worm Tower 2 (located in the WTP) as well as Worm Tower 3 (located in the PSP) i…

little seed packets

I've devised a way to fold little papers into origami seed packets. It's a modified hybrid of the folding metho…

oi-ya, I made an olla

An olla is an unglazed clay pot that's buried in the soil and filled regularly with water, as a way of irrigation. …

eat my leaf

Here are a few cabbage white butterfly caterpillars that I found and left out on the grass as a gift to some lucky Will…

the real miracle berry *edit* these are actually pomegranates

Stumbled across a miracle berry tree at Southbank. There's a cute edible garden there that I completely forgot abou…

worm tower - trial no. 1

Little wormie poking through the upper bucket - good to know they're commuting between buckets (in the OG worm farm…

gratuitous image of a daikon leaf

citron confit

I harvested a couple of lemons from this particular neighbourhood tree I've had my eyes on. These lemons are unlike…

Soil texture by feel

Useful how-to guide with flow chart for doing a quick soil test.

flight of the bumblebee

busy little bee  with a scented lemon tree flower to flower

daikon flowers

This is what a flowering daikon radish looks like. The distinct four-petal formation clearly show that it's from th…

tom-AY-to tom-AR-to

The lowest tomato on the strongest-growing vine is finally starting to ripen. It makes sense that they ripen one by one…

what a broccoli-head

sauerpawpaw (fermented green papaya)

fermented green papaya - sounds too normal papaya-kraut - doesn't make sense (since it just means "papaya cabba…

first calendula bloom

During the daytime, the almost-neon calendula petals are fully open. It's a bit shy in the morning, though, and hid…

swale pathways

Swales are ditches along the contours of a slope that catch and store water in soil, rather than let it run off down th…

water tank patch is semi-ready!

I've put up the timber+polycarbonate raised bed edging for the water tank patch (WTP). I had measured up and prepar…

snake beans

Snake bean seeds have germinated and have been planted in the Pool Strip Patch. As of today and a couple of days ago.

nutrient deficiency in citrus trees

None of the citrus trees in the garden have ever done well here, except for the cumquat tree during the first couple of…