
Showing posts from July, 2020

the mad [water] dash

Two plastic watering cans - one with a larger holding capacity, the other with a bigger watering can rose - a hose pipe…

fresh beds

Testing out the newspaper + mulch technique for suppressing weeds, and someone decided that instead of just weeding and…

little mushroom, little bee

A little mushroom appeared close and cosy next to the mustard greens plant. No idea what type it is, or why it's th…

aloe pups

The aloe vera that I planted out into soil had been looking a dull purple for quite some time, but I checked again toda…

a little surprise in the letterbox

A had been giving away jade plant cuttings last week after having cleared the pool strip patch to make way for veggies.…

food waste > compost re-sauce

I came back home with this in the trunk: 2 tubs of overripe veggies (they're not even scraps, they're just rott…

update - 24 July

Wild rocket is flowering, so get ready for some seed saving. Notice that this rocket has yellow flowers, as opposed to …

des fleurs de capucines, nasturtium, nars-TER-tee-um, nars-TER-shem

The repurposed water fountain has sprung out some pretty nasturtiums. The roots have been working hard for the last cou…

wheelie compost

Packed and ready for some steamy time. And now it's equipped with a cosy hessian blanket.  I've moved the wheeli…

comfrey weeds?

I spotted two plants amongst the weeds in the front fountain patch that look a lot like comfrey. They also have furry l…

the first lemon flower

The little lemon tree has not only regained life energy, it's also flowering. There's a lot of little buds alon…

coffee roasting by-products

I got my hands on some hessian bags! I came across a local coffee roaster (called Rai) who was selling the excess bags …

thresh and winnow

The only plant from the mystery flower mix that successfully germinated and grew (this was way back in March, using the…

richfat compost

The first batch of the tumbleweed compost has officially been taken out and (mostly) used - that's probably around …

there is now comfrey in the grounds

I finally found some comfrey plants, and surprisingly, it was just on gumtree that I found a lady who lived only 10 min…

cotyledon: cot-a-LEE-don

Cotyledons are the first leaves of a germinating seed. It's a useful skill to identify a plant by their cotyledons,…

from radish to yāncài

This is [mildly made]  yāncài fried rice.  Pull radish out of soil.  Wash radish.  Blanch radish leaves, cut it up finely, …

update - 13 July

Today: - shiso seedlings in individual pots - grape cuttings in babushka pots - potted mustard greens in front patch, righ…

*new* front orange patch

seeds planted out:  - kale (2 types) - tatsoi - radish - bokchoi  seedlings planted out: - gailan - komatsuna  - marigold - bora…


Galinsoga parviflora , also known as galinsoga, guasca, quickweed, and gallant soldier, annoyingly pops up everywhere in…

holistic permaculture plants

Pumpkin ( Cucurbita maxima ) - leaves, skin and fruit are all edible - self-seeding - mulch and organic matter Comfrey ( Symph…

**the real origins of fruits and vegetables

pigfaced flower and a pool pump hat

There's a lot of pigface around the yard, but this is the first time I've seen one flower!  And after some quick…