comfrey weeds?
I spotted two plants amongst the weeds in the front fountain patch that look a lot like comfrey. They also have furry leaves with pronounced veins, and a single taproot. I've repotted them to see how they grow.
This is the smaller of the two. The larger one wilted and was less photogenic. (addendum. This is the larger one, below, after the rain.)
Don't get your hopes up too much though, it might be comfrey lookalikes (n.b., "comfreys" are in the Symphytum genus, and there are about 34 different species):
- green alkanet, Pentaglottis sempervirens - white spots on leaves, 5 blue petals
- wild comfrey, Cynoglossum virginianum - Same name, different genus (though both are in the borage family)
- or maybe it is indeed one of the many species in the Symphytum genus, just not the usual permaculture ones.
Anyway, I'll wait till the leaves get bigger and the plant starts to flower; then it'll be easier to identify the plant. But take note, this here is the real deal comfrey that was swapped with the gumtree-chook lady:
Sidenote. I got these (below) from the seedling hub. The label said it's comfrey, but it doesn't look like it at all, imo - the leaves aren't furry at all! Another wait-and-watch-grow.