purslane is yummy, unlike pigface

Purslane, yogurt, citron confit, cumin works well together in a tzatziki. Purslane itself when raw is really crispy and adds a nice texture to the bite. It was all eaten up before you could "one, two, three, say cheese."

To try next is fermented/pickled purslane and stir-fry purslane. It's quite a known plant in China and is used in traditional medicine (It's called 马齿苋 ma chi xian, or as Mum calls it, ma han cai). 

I took a bite of a raw pigface leaf and it wasn't so pleasant. It left a hairy coating aftertaste on the tongue, like when you bite into a fruit that isn't yet ripe. Anyway, some pigface fingers are being fermented now. Perhaps that will taste better.